LEAB at RETTmobil 2024
RETTmobil has been our annual trade fair highlight for more than 20 years and nothing has changed this year. From 15 to 17 May, we were on site in Fulda to present our solutions for a reliable mobile power supply to trade visitors at the leading international trade fair for rescue and mobility.
Great Interest also in our Team
The importance we attach to the trade fair in Fulda is reflected in the people who attended: Our permanent trade fair team of Marius Urbanowicz, Sven Fridrischak and Melanie Derr from Marketing was joined by Nele Lorenzen from Product Management. Development engineer Melf Neimöck and Head of Products & Information Christian Dethlefsen were also present on one of the days of the fair. Our company founder Bart Westerkamp also paid a brief visit.
PowAirBox II Anniversary
Our PowAirBox II celebrated its premiere last year - the next generation of the innovative and reliable system for power and compressed air supply for fire and rescue vehicles. And thanks to our retrofit campaign with the Fulda fire brigade in April 2024, we also had a very special story to tell at this year's trade fair appearance - and a suitably large audience made their way to our stand.
Great Development in many Areas
‘At RETTmobil, you could really see once again how much has actually happened since PowAirBox II was launched last year,’ says Sales Manager Marius Urbanowicz. ‘We had a lot of very positive discussions in Fulda and saw our system in action on a number of vehicles - including a crew transport vehicle from the Schoon company, which was presented at our outdoor stand where we spent a long time talking to their employees.’

Staying in Dialogue
Exchanging ideas with old and new acquaintances is essential at every trade fair, but at RETTmobil the interactions continue to reach a whole new level - both in terms of quantity and quality. That was confirmed once again this year.
“This trade fair is something very special for us - both for us as a team and with the other exhibitors. We have already registered for next year's event and the date has been blocked. This year, our newly designed trade fair stand with impressions of our retrofitting programme with the Fulda fire brigade was a real highlight - the response to it is something we won't forget in a hurry,” says Marius Urbanowicz.
Our trade fair season continues at 112RESCUE from 5 to 8 June in Dortmund.
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Exclusively at RETTmobil: DC-DC charger in accordance with DIN 14679:2024
Visit us at our stand at the RETTmobil from 15 to 17 May and discover the TS Pro and the new PowAirBox II.
Premiere at RETTmobil: PowAirBox II celebrates market launch
Charge conservation on a new level: The PowAirBox II goes on sale at RETTmobil from 10 to 12 May 2023. Visitors can try out the successor to the popular PowAirBox at the stand, find out about all the latest innovations and order the PowAirBox II directly.
New energy for the Fulda fire brigade
We supported the Fulda fire brigade in converting their vehicles to the PowAirBox II. You can find out how this came about here.